My leadership style is a combination of different styles; (affiliate and democratic) depending on the situation at hand. I use the affiliate leadership style when I need to emphasize harmony and acceptance of difference between the staff. I use the democratic style to emphasize teamwork and commitment to work at hand to meet the objectives for the patients and doctors.
I feel solid leadership is within your reach if you actively work to develop your leadership styles and manager skills can greatly enhance your chances for success and gaining the respect and trustworthiness from your subordinates. People naturally and willingly follow leaders due to their charisma and personality traits, whereas a manager is obeyed due to the formal authority vested in him/her. Based on this overlapping occurrence; you can be both as long as you understand how to walk this tight-rope.
Visionary Leadership Style Supervisors were of the opinion that today; nurse managers use a more visionary leadership style than previously. In the past, many organizations lacked a vision of their own and had fewer possibilities to engage in development for the future. Even now, the skills of nurse managers to lead visionary development work varied.
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