Heidi McDonald
N4510 Conceptual Thinking
January 31, 2013
There are six world views in nursing: organicism, mechanism, change, persistence, totality, and simultaneity. I identify most closely with totality. I believe in not only caring for the physical, but also the emotional and spiritual. I believe ones environment can positively or negatively influence one’s health and adapting to it as it changes is important for soundness of body, mind, and spirit. It is important to have knowledge of health norms to guide nursing goals and have desirable outcomes. Each of the six nursing world views vary in its interpretation of nursing’s metaparadigm. The metaparadigm includes human beings, environment, health, and nursing. Interpretation is a major component of an individual’s frame for nursing practice. To illustrate the concept of interpretation consider the following story: Two blind men encounter and elephant. One describes it to the other as a tree as he attempts to wrap his arms around one of the elephant’s legs. The other is convinced it is a snake as he moves his hands along the elephant’s trunk. Neither is entirely correct as it is in fact an elephant and not a tree or a snake, yet neither is entirely wrong in their interpretation of a snake and a tree. This illustrates how each individual’s interpretation of the same thing can be radically different.
Nursing’s Metaparadigm
Human Beings I believe human beings are created equal. They are to be respected, valued, and treated with compassion regardless of color, race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Humans are complex beings. They are biophysical, psychosocial, and spiritual beings. One cannot tend only to the spiritual needs of a person when in fact what is needed most at that moment is a warm meal and a safe place to sleep for the night. Thus, not one part can be treated and another ignored without treating the other.