The school of health and social care policy for confidentiality and consent has been adhered throughout the essay. This been done to protect the patients identity and also to prevent the patient from being identified. The author will be using a pseudonym name of Jake for this essay. The author has gained consent form the patient under the supervision of the mentor. A completed consent form will be included in the appendix. For the author to be able to protect the identity of the patient the consent has been signed on behalf of the patient by the authors mentor. The NMC Code of Conduct (2008) states that confidentiality is paramount in and must be maintained all the time. …show more content…
The patient must be informed, explained in detail what the author tends to use their information for. Mental capacity act 2005 says that patient must have capacity to give consent. This means that the patient must be able to understand the information that is being relayed to them and they can use this to make an informed decision. Piffaretti cited “that the aim of the mental capacity act 2005 is to balance the importance of properly conducted research into the treatment or care of people who lack capacity with the need to protect their interests and respect their current wishes and feelings” (Piffaretti