Meyer, R. M., & O 'Brien-Pallas, L. L. (2010). Nursing services delivery theory: An open system approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(12), 2828-2838.
This paper focuses on elucidating the how Nursing Services Delivery Theory can be derived from the application of open system theory in case of the large scale organization. The healthcare organizations are referred to the open systems which can be characterized by the transformation of energy, negative entropy, differentiation, dynamic steady state, co-ordination, integration and equifinality. According to the Nursing Services Delivery Theory, it can be proposed that the input, throughput as well as the output factors have significant impact on the global wok demand. …show more content…
According to the author, various healthcare theories, frameworks and cases have significant influence on the present leadership strategies in healthcare. In order to ensure effective leadership emphasize must be given on the dynamic relationship among the leadership values, organizational culture, situation and its capabilities. Leadership development is a critical aspect and the major role of the leader is to ensure an instant supply of replacement leaders for maintaining organizational progress in the dynamic healthcare environment.
Chreim, S., Williams, B., & Coller, K. (2012). Radical change in healthcare organization: Mapping transition between templates, enabling factors, and implementation processes. Journal Of Health Organization And Management, 26(2), 215--236.
This paper has focused on scrutinizing the element of radical change through mapping the difference between two templates of healthcare service delivery. It has been found that the transition from one template to other is associated with significant change in terms of system, structure and values. The procedures for enabling change are associated with the potential discontentedness of the stakeholders with the present template and the commitment for a new template; desire to change resources, manipulation for the incentive programs and provision for the credible …show more content…
It has been found that 13 instruments were found to be satisfying the inclusion. The instruments have been found to be varying in terms of length, grounding theory, format, scientific properties and scope.
Hin\ctea, C., Mora, C., & \cTicl\uau, T. (2009). Leadership and management in the health care system: leadership perception in Cluj County children’s hospital. Transylvanian Review Of Administrative Sciences, (27E), 89--104.
In the western part of the world, healthcare reform has been a major topic. In Romania significant changes took place in the healthcare service industry. This paper focuses on identification of the important managerial component and role of leadership in facilitating the change. It has been found that the legal framework of a nation is a significant managerial component. Additionally, leadership plays a major role in the healthcare service. Development of effective leaders has been a major challenge for the healthcare organizations.
Anderson, G., Frogner, B., Johns, R., & Reinhardt, U. (2006). Health care spending and use of information technology in OECD countries. Health Affairs, 25(3),