Inoculation of the unknown was done on a nutrient slant agar The nutrient agar was then incubated at 27°C for one week. The agar appearance was observed and recorded. There was growth that appeared pinkish in color. The first test we did was basic stain using a heat fixed emulsion which kills the bacteria and allows them to adhere to the slide and thickens their protein for better staining. I then covered the heat fixed emulsion with crystal violet for one minute. The stain was then rinsed with distilled water. The stain was then pat dry with bibulous paper then observed under oil immersion to determine morphology. Upon completion of the basic stain organism appeared to be cocci that was in a line with further help it was determined to be rod shaped. Next we did a negative stain test beginning with a drop of nigrosin stain that we aseptically added the organism to the slide. Afterwards we spread the stain across the slide. Without heat- fixing we dry the slide and observed under microscope observing the morphology of rod shapes which eliminated any …show more content…
The media were incubated at 27°C for 168 hours. One of the first test we observed was the results of the motility test. The motility test is a medium that is used to detect bacteria motility. The bacterial motility uses a reduced agar concentration to maintain it form while allowing movement of motile bacteria. The medium is made up of beef extract, gelatin, agar, and a tetrazolium salt that is usually colorless and soluble in oxidized form and when reduced it becomes red and insoluble. The test was performed by inoculate the medium with a needle with a straight stab. When the result of test is positive you can observe the red color moving outward from the stab line. A negative result shows just the initial red stab line. Unknown number 17 results were observed and