When it comes to the nutrition in Oreos and Chips Ahoy, the Oreos are healthier. Oreos and Chips Ahoy have the same amount of calories. Oreos have seven grams of fat compared to 9 grams of fat in the Chips Ahoy. Oreos have 6% of iron and Chips Ahoy has 4%. Oreos have 2 grams of fat and Chips Ahoy has 2.5 grams of fat. Oreos have 2 grams of protein while Chips Ahoy only has 1 gram .Oreos have 60 calories from fat and Chips Ahoy has 70. Oreos have less Polyunsaturated Fat than Chips Ahoy.
Surveys have also proved that Oreos are preferred over Chips Ahoy. For example, a survey taken place in Los Angeles in 2012.One hundred people had participated in that survey. In the survey, a plate containg 20 Oreos were placed in an office and right next to the Oreos was a plate with 20 Chips Ahoy. They left the plates there for two hours. After two hours there was only one Oreo left and there was seven Chips Ahoy left. Thus proving that Oreos are preferred over Chips Ahoy.
People do not only buy Oreos because they are less fattening than Chips Ahoy. The real reason why people buy Oreos is because they simply taste better than Chips Ahoy.. Unlike Chips Ahoy, Oreos don’t taste salty after you eat them. Your mouth does not feel dry after eating them. Oreos have a unique mixture of two chocolate cookies and a crème center. Chips Ahoy is just cookie dough with some chocolate chips thrown in. A cool thing about Oreos is that their name is on the cookie, Chips Ahoy does not have that. Not only that but Oreos also come in different flavors and during Halloween and Christmas