Nutrition is very vital in critically ill patients, often the neglected area of critical care where researchers and analysts had been concentrating on for a long time. Guidelines and protocols have been formulated by institutions and organisation, but compliance had been identified as the reason to experience abasement in proper nutrition. Stroud (2007) mentioned that the acute illness aggravates the metabolic rate and abbreviates the pursuance of nutritional elements. I will be reviewing the literatures about the nutrition of critically ill patients, and the role of nurses in intensive care unit (ICU). I have focussed on nutrition of patients in intensive care as it is part of my competency No.5, Hydration and Nutrition.
My aim was to find articles regarding adult Intensive care units and adult patients because the knowledge found in this study and the search results can be utilised in my working environment. My search started with the Boolean search using ‘Ebscohost’ in the Cinahl database, and I used nutrition and critically ill as my search word. My search brought up 1089 articles, which I narrowed down to 507, as I limited my research in between years 2006 - 2013. To be more specific, I applied limitations to the search by limiting the results to be peer reviewed academic journals with full text which included abstracts, and in doing so, brought up 39 articles. Finally, I came up with 22 articles after adding another limitation which was that only articles on adults were used. I was keen to see if it is fruitful to search other databases as well, and so used Ovid as my next database. I narrowed down the search results using the same limitations, leading to the number of results decreasing from ninety-nine to three. The databases Pubmed and Medline brought up similar articles but I found it is easy to access full