Outcome 1 – Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion.
1.1 – Diversity – Diversity is all about difference, everyone is different Equality – Equality is about everyone being equal and so not treated differently to someone else because of their preferences. Inclusion – Inclusion is where you ensure that there is nothing that would exclude the person to fully participate in the activity. Discrimination – Discrimination is where you give unfair treatment to someone on the basis of prejudice.
1.2 – There are many potential effects to discrimination. It can damage a person’s self-esteem and possibly lose their sense of identity. They could also be made to experience anger, humiliation, frustration and hopelessness when subjected to discrimination.
1.3 – Inclusive practice is important in promoting equality and supporting diversity. This is because it helps to provide the support people need so as to live their life to the full by asking the question of what changes need to be made so that this person can participate in the task at hand or outing being arranged.
Outcome 2 – Understand how to work in an inclusive way.
2.1 – There are key legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination in adult social care settings. The National Minimum Standards which we have in England are watched over by the Care Quality Commission. The Codes of Practice include protecting the rights and promote the interests of people and their carers, establish and maintain the trust and confidence of people and their carers, uphold public trust and confidence in social care services, promote independence of people while protecting them from danger or harm, respect the rights of people while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people