She wasn't a positive role model, and she didn't treat me so kindly either, she have a bit of a tendency to overpower others to make them feel smaller than they are. Any opportunity that she gets, she will make anybody’s life as miserable as hers such as teasing me, taking my money, and calling me names. Maybe it her seeking for attention, however this …show more content…
kind behavior of hers can cause other people to turn away from her. So whenever she finds herself in a difficult position she shouldn’t be surprised if people that knewn her for who she really is, will eventually avert from her. Once I thought of her position of loneliness I felt a sort of compassion I find it strenuous to get by the day without having pleasing conversation with someone.
She’s very delusional at times, she tries to convince herself and others that she is living a perfect life, and gloats about her so called unique “decor” even though she's living in a worn out house in a horrible neighborhood.
Their neighbors leave their trash on the street; which are big pieces couches, mattresses, and even faucet. Just the other day, I drove around a toilet that was in the middle of the street right on the corner where she live. I remember the first time I came to her home the first thing I saw were those hideous leather couches. The coaches have an odd peanut shape the materials is stitch asymmetrically to each soa that is covered with a thick layer of frail leather and stuffed with cotton like sand that smell like an inside of a gym locker. She even denied that she isn't a bad influence. She taught her own children live in such an environment and influence them to hate me. Most recently her eldest son Nathan responded to me with foul language when I wanted to say goodbye to him, once I confront his mother Nyeli, she said, “I don't know where he got it from?” she paused for a moment reply to the question again “he could help but to say what he see.” as she continues to
defend. she can also be manipulative, she turned my own family against me, during the time that I lived in the same household as her. She speculated that I was a trouble child and continue to say even to this day. Last year on Christmas, when Nyeli was hosting our family gather; it was a pleasing evening before she announced to everyone that I was verbally tormenting her it was like passing a note in the classroom. After word I was even given a lecture from my aunt before I was going to it was just false addressing that I shouldn't be Thoughts couldn't even comprehend my expression of humiliation and embarrassment that I was going through. Over time I learned to get over the fear being humative especially around my peers.