October 21, 2013 at 12:24pm
I really like this. Someone did their homework, Googled it all & compiled it all into one.
Problem is, no one bothered to read his book, where he essentially spelled this out before the first election.
The only thing missing here is his heavy drug use during the”Choom Gang” years and beyond, the bathhouses…
WHEN he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign, as other candidates had done, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan, Muramar Kaddafi and Hugo Chavez, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN it was pointed out that he was a total newcomer and had absolutely no experience at anything except “community organizing,” people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN he chose friends and acquaintances such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN his voting record in the Illinois Senate and in the U.S. Senate came into question, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN he refused to wear a flag lapel pin and did so only after a public outcry, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN people started treating him as a Messiah and children in schools were taught to sing his praises, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN he surrounded himself in the White House with advisors who were pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to curtail freedom of speech to silence the opposition, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN he said he favors sex education in kindergarten, including homosexual indoctrination, people said it didn’t matter.
WHEN his personal background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing could be found about him, people said it