So it's common that they surmise that desecrating the flag by setting it ablaze isn't right. Basically, they imagine that they are wearing the flag on their garments and slapping it on guard stickers all over the place is correct. Be that as it may, the legislature acts as though they have better things to do than to toss us behind bars for wearing Old Navy T-shirts or tossing out our patriotic paper plates and mugs after a fourth of July party or utilizing our flag stamped bathroom tissue. Should the legislature care more about what has been done to our national symbol? I think so. Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin of The American President movie and each one of those individuals who trust that setting the flag on fire is secured by the right to speak freely are correct. Our U.S. Flag Code ought to stick to how and when the flag is shown, not to promote a desecration. Others are stating that the image of our opportunity is more imperative than the flexibility it symbolizes—and that is not the American way. As Lee Greenwood sings in his song “God Bless the U.S.A.,” “I thank my lucky stars to be living here today, ‘cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away”…
VDread Scott artwork “what is the proper way to display the US flag?” In the exhibit, they place the flag the United States flag on the floor and they have a book to so people can write their opinion. Above the book, there is a picture of South Korea students burning the flag. “President Bush Sr. declared What is the Proper Way… “disgraceful” and the entire US Congress denounced this work as they passed legislation to “protect the flag.”(Dread Dread Scott had the courage to display his artwork the way he did. I think it was brave of him to display it in the form he did. His artwork is controversial because in order for people to write there thought they have to be willing to step on the flag.…
Unit 2 – Article Response The 1988 Dread Scott art piece titled “What is the Proper Way to Display the U.S. Flag?” originally started as a student art show submission at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). The piece quickly became the “center of national controversy’ since the interactive art piece required visitors to step on the American flag (Dread Scott). SAIC came under fire for the displaying the piece (Dubin 1992, 110).…
Wanting to keep the flag around for heritage reasons in museums and places that preserve past flags is completely okay. Whenever it comes to wearing the flag or flying it on important buildings under the American flag is where it becomes inappropriate. Coski (2005) states that in the 1980s the NAACP tried to rally or annul the use of the Confederate Beauregard Battle Flag in states and emblems. Coski shares my current opinion that Southern states should not banish the Beauregard Battle Flag but yet try to understand that its role and meaning are different for different groups of people. The flag should just be retired to museums.…
James Bradley wrote this book after researching his father’s past “John Bradley” in the raising of Flag at Iwo Jima. His father, John Bradley kept to himself, and never really talked about what happened and his memories of Iwo Jima. After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it changed Americans outlook on war. This means Americans were now involved in a “two-ocean war” as James described it. Americans were enraged and wanted nothing more than to make sacrifices for their country. Shortly before America entered the war Mike Strank enlisted in the Marines. Harlon Block enlisted with his entire Weslaco High school football team. Jack, John’s brother enlisted in the Navy, trying to avoid battle but still serving his Country as he quickly realized this was not the case.…
It was June 14, 1777 when the United States Congress created and officially announces the American flag to be represented as a symbol of Nationalism and refutation of secessionism. The United States American flag is one of most significant symbol that is hanged in front of many private properties especially in front of my porch. My family decided to purchase the American flag because it symbolizes a meaning for freedom and opportunities. During the Vietnam War, the united States have become involve in the war to promote democracy, in which my family immigrated and settle within the United States for that purpose.…
One argument that could be made is that this was not right, because the flag symbolizes something important to many people. This is a valid point, because it a lot of controversy and made multiple people angry throughout the whole case hearing. “The way to preserve the flag’s special role is not to punish those who feel differently about {nationhood and national unity}. It is to persuade them that they are wrong.” This basically says that we shouldn’t be angered and punishing those that disrespect the flag, but be more focused on persuading them they’re…
In his quest to pay homage to his heroic father, I feel James wanted to…
As Joe Barton once said, “Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation’s founders heros.” Our flag is not to be knelt upon, but to stand as one together, remembering how Veterans risked their lives everyday to go to war and give us freedom today. The least we can do is to thank you. You gave me a future, freedom of speech, and an education, and so many more things.…
A significant problem within the U.S is the constant debate about whether or not the Confederate Flag really symbolizes Racism and Slavery, and if Americans should be allowed to display it on public properties. Those who take pride in the Confederate Flag for many reasons, are stereotyped, and reproached for displaying this symbol in public. Because the Confederacy was known for being supportive of slavery, many Americans today still believe that their Battle Flag from the Civil War stands for their views on slavery itself. While the Americans who disapprove of the flag are allowed to express their opinion, and are often backed by the government, the Americans who believe the flag stands for their culture are berated and told that they are…
The Confederate Flag was the main flag for the Confederates during the civil war, and has remained a part of the southern culture to this day. The Confederates in the Civil War stood for the right to own people and force them to work. The Confederate Flag in the 1860’s was more a symbol of people fighting for beliefs, but today is a symbol of modern racism. The Confederate Flag is offensive to African-Americans, and is a symbol of racial segregation. The Confederate Flag is a symbol of racism and should be taken down from federal businesses and buildings…
The most disrespectful action to do against is burn the flag, the symbol of the country meant for certain freedoms that the people need and want. Even though it’s a debatable topic for the people in America for burning the flag a person is sent to jail or not. But burning the flag is highly disrespectful towards the military also to our country and what it stands for. The flag is the symbol of our country and it stands for the freedoms in the United States of America, so for someone to burn the flag should be put to jail. Unfortunately this is kind of protected by the first amendment for freedom of speech. Flag burning is not a sign of speech its more of an action than anything. Even though this action can be used in protest but people could still be arrested. Burning the flag is speech it is a…
In addition, the notorious flag has remained a racist symbol. Although decades have passed since the Civil Rights movement, the use of the flag in opposition can be paralleled to the current issues of today, especially in regards to African-Americans. The flag, which has historically served as a token of opposition to movements and government acts that promoted racial equality among African-Americans and whites, has been used by racist and white supremacist groups among the likes of the Ku Klux Klan and Dixiecrats to oppress advocates of equality (Lowery 1). In regards to white supremacy, the flag has always remained a symbol of entitlement and superiority against minorities. There are still Southern pride rallies across the South that promotes…
Before the Civil War, America was separated. People used to say the “United States are”. It wasn’t until after the war people started saying the “United States is”. Unity is what helped this country flourish into the superpower it is today. The United States of America is considered one of the greatest countries in the world. Our right to democracy, religion, speech, and much more, are the few reason why we are marked as a dominant country. However, within the last decade America’s unity has been on edge and is slowly dividing, due to constant issues within its borders. Americans are starting to turn on each other. People’s opinions on certain government issues and politics are fueling hate throughout the country. A major issues America is…
Have you ever been put down for your beliefs, or maybe your color. The reason you were put down is because you were different from them. In our society accepting differences has become irrelevant. My class and I have been reading a collection of books from different authors. Each author had a different thought on accepting differences. I chose two texts and a video to help me discuss their different opinions on accepting differences. I chose the text “American Flag Stands for Tolerance”, “The Wife’s Story”, and I chose the video My So Called Enemy. In these next few paragraphs I will discuss the diverse thoughts of the authors.…