According to Take it Down: the Confederate Flag means Treason, “After the Emancipation Proclamation, after Appomattox, and after the 13th Amendment, slavery was as dead as Marley's doornail, and so was the Confederate flag, which practically disappeared from popular view until D. W. Griffith's infamous epic, The Birth of a Nation. It was taken up again by the second Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s[…].” This quote is illustrating the fact that this flag was not used for quite some time after the Civil War until it became the background to one of the most well known radical racism groups in the United States to this day. Later on the same article says, ”It was taken up again by segregationists in the 1950.” Not only was the flag used on a radical racial group, it was also the flag used for people against desegregation in the 1950’s. These quotes show the use for the flag in its true meaning; a symbol for …show more content…
According to National Geographic,”The Confederate battle flag made its reappearance following the end of World War II. A group of southern states seceded from the Democratic party and ran their own ticket, the Dixiecrats, and the Confederate battle flag was very prominent with the Dixiecrat campaign in the 1948 presidential election.” After the Second World War, people in the south decided to bring back this flag and for their own party and the flag be their main flag of choice. If this segregation ended 60 years ago with the Civil Rights Movement, there wouldn’t be a problem, but racial crimes still happen today with the flag as the motivator. According to CBS, “On June 17, nine black Americans were killed in a Charleston, South Carolina church, allegedly by a lone white gunman named Dylann Roof, who claimed he was attempting to incite a race war in America.” The use of this quote is to illustrate one of the many confederate flag racial crimes that are pretty recent in history. The flag stirs up the principles that it was made on; that one race is above another. This is causing crimes against races in the United States