Candidates discuss various issues and one of them is related to the economic welfare of retired and older citizens and workers. They are losing their incomes and the current economic situation affects this part of society deeply. When we evaluate the issue in terms of “Stages Model”, at legitimation stage, in order …show more content…
While answering this question, candidates identify the current economic problem differently. McCain states that the fundamentals of the economy have no problem and he frames the problem with some abstract terms. He argues that the lack of trust and confidence in the institutions enlarge the problem. The corruption on Wall Street and cronyism and selfish acts in Washington, D.C. diminish the hope of citizens for the future. That is why; America faces one of the worst economic crises in the history.However, Obama does not agree with his approach. He argues that there are basic problems in economy and in order to develop prosperity, the government should help the middle class. Many people have fixed wages and incomes therefore it is difficult to save money and retire. Middle class should get a tax cut about 95 percent, because they are working two jobs and they cannot spend adequate time with their