April 7th, 2010
Obesity among Children and Adolescents Obesity has been a controversial issue for years. Childhood obesity is already an epidemic in some areas and is on the rise in others. Although rare in the past, obesity is now amongst some of the most widespread issues affecting our children and adolescents living in the United States today. Childhood obesity is harmful to not only the child’s present lifestyle but it also affects the child’s future. Obesity in children is on the rise due to parenting style, inadequate exposure to healthy foods at a young age, availability of unhealthy foods, lack of education and awareness of the side effects and risks, and an increase in sedentary behavior.
Obesity is a serious concern that affects our children and adolescents today. Obesity in children can be defined as a body weight of at least 20% higher than of the healthy weight for a child of that height, or a body fat percentage above 25% in boys or above 32% in girls (Ferry). While more children are becoming overweight, the already heavy children are getting even heavier. Obesity has a profound effect on a child’s life. Its effects include numerous health problems, emotional or psychological distress, and social problems. Studies have shown that overweight children are more likely to grow up to become overweight adults. For example, one study found that approximately 80 percent of children who were overweight at 10 to 15 years old were obese at 25 (Bellows and Roach). Parenting styles are a very influential factor that can lead to obesity in children and adolescents. Many parents rely on a parenting technique called the reward system. The reward system is used to get children to do what they are told to, and in return they receive a treat. Most of the time this treat is in the form of something sweet such as candy, chocolate, or ice cream or sometimes even going out to eat at their favorite place. Roberta Anding, a registered dietician with
Cited: Page Anding, Roberta. "Exposing Children To Different Flavors Helps Kids Develop Taste For Variety Of Foods." Redorbit News. RedOrbit, 17 04 2009. Web. 07 Apr 2010. . Bellows, L., and J. Roach. "Childhood Overweight." Extension. Colorado State University, 2009. Web. 7 Apr 2010. . Ferry, Robert Jr,. "Obesity in Children." emedicinehealth: experts for everyday emergencies. webMD, LLC., 2010. Web. 7 Apr 2010. . Spurlock, Morgan, Script. Super Size Me. Dir. Morgan Spurlock." 2004, Film.