Fast food contains too little nutrition and a lot of calories that when one consumes too much fast food they might find themselves with health problems and weight problems as a result. One can also suffer many health problems due to fast food such as high blood pressure, blood sugar, high cholesterol and dental concerns. In Fast Food Nation Schlosser makes it clear that the subject matter of the book is fast food. He covers all aspects of fast food. He gives the reader a clear understanding on how the fast food industry was developed, the past and current labour practices in fast food establishments. The manipulation of the taste on fast food, agribusiness, regulations, the marketing of fast food, health issues and the increase of fast food…
Australia as a diverse and large modern community which aims to become healthier and improve individual quality of life which is recently astonished by the childhood overweight prevalence trends. An overview about the obesity problem magnitude in Australia suggests that childhood obesity issue rises steadily in Australia as it is world widely. As a result, obesity guaranteed itself a place in the Australian National Health Priority Areas (NHPA). Thus because the healthy practiced child of today is the future of a healthier adult of tomorrow.…
In this article “Obesity and Fast Food” Mandal, A talks about increase number of people have obesity in United States and it has negative results. The author points out that is consumption of food and increasing eat fast food out home. On the other hand, she provides that is children obesity such as proliferation of junk food which is targeting children.…
Child obesity is a growing problem in Australia, with an estimated 2/3 of children considered overweight, 1/3 of which are considered obese. Coincidently, Australia not only has the most overweight children, it also has the highest proportion of junk food advertising on commercial television (Chapman et. al, 2006; Morton, 1990; Morton et. al., 2005).…
Obesity is identified as a National Heath Priority area by the Australian Government. It is a serious health issue as it can lead to many more severe problems and concerns such as diabetes, coronary heart disease or even cancer.…
Obesity is a major health problem and it is becoming an epidemic in both developed and developing countries. it is listed on the National Health Priority area; this lifestyle problem is affecting the Australian Society which includes more and more adults and young children are being affected or have been affected. Moreover, this disease can substantially increase the risk of other lifestyle diseases which may require an extended period to treat. Obesity can be defined has extreme fat gathering storage in the body. This essay will examine the definition of obesity, prevalence, risk factors and obesity campaigns in Australia.…
1.0 Australia has record numbers of obesity. Diseases and illness are directly correlated to an increase Body Mass Index (BMI). A culture of processed foods has spoiled our culture and connection to the food we eat. As time progresses statistics are worsening and this report addresses the problem and recommends a series of solutions in order to continue an increasing life span for Australians.…
Obesity is a leading health complication resulting from long term consumption of fast food. Our bodies need several essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins to thrive. Fast food meal options contain detrimental ingredients that are harmful to your health. When you take a closer look you will find that most fast food options greatly exceed the recommended levels of fat and sugar intake. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past thirty years. It seems as the rate of obesity increase, so does the number of fast food restaurants. With the increase of weight a person has a greater possibility of placing other health issues on their…
3 out of 4 people in Australia are considered at least overweight. One of the main causes of obesity in Australia is fast food. The amount of processed, chemically added, sugar filled food that is being sold in shops over the country is alarming. With Growing fast food companies that provide quick and easy meals are the reason that not only America but also Australia have increased in the amount of obese people. Approximately 28% of males and 28% of females were considered to be obese between the years of 2011 and 2012. In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese. (, 2015)…
“Schools serve as an excellent venue to provide students with opportunity for daily physical activity, to teach the importance of regular physical activity for health, and to build skills that support active lifestyles”(Robert wood foundation, 2007). In today’s modern society, the importance of physical activity in a child’s development needs to be recognised and promoted. It is important that teachers and parents encourage and facilitate students to participate in programs which enable them to be both physically and mentally active. Encouraging ‘middle aged’ (6-10yrs) children to be involved in physical activity, whether at school or at home, helps their growth and development and also promotes positive factors in their general health and…
It has been said that obesity in American has become an epidemic. What has caused this huge health issue in this great country? Many people believe fast food is to blame for America being obese. Is it really that simple? What could be some other possible reasons for our country being so obese compared to other countries? In this paper I hope to discuss these issues and show that fast food is solely to blame for this epidemic as well to inform the readers about what they are consuming and giving to their children to consume and in turn help people make lifestyle changes to live healthier.…
Over the years fast food has become a major contributor to obesity in America. The United States has become one of the most obese nations in the world due to the fact that fast food contains many fattening ingredients and that fast food is so easily obtainable. About one out of four people eat fast food every day, and there are about fifty million people who eat at a McDonald’s restaurant each day (Obesity Facts). Three reasons that fast food is contributing to obesity are fast food is higher in calories, it contains, more unhealthy fats, and it is higher in sodium.…
Obesity is one of the largest health issues that are often discussed in Australia. Australia has claimed the third spot for the country with the highest obesity rates in the world. This is proven by the drastic increase of obesity rates for both adult and children in the past few years. Health researchers found that the average BMI of Australian men rose from 24.9 in 1980 to 27.6 in 2008, while for women the numbers rose from 23.6 to 26.9. Further research reported by the Herald Sun stated that approximately 61 percent of Australian adults and 25 percent of children and teenagers are obese. Obesity is caused mainly by a person’s lifestyle. Diet is one of the most influential factors in obesity such as eating a lot of fatty or junk foods and drinking soft drinks. Another factor…
Waking up in the morning and going to Mcdonalds, for a what so called healthy breakfast ordering what seems to an ideal breakfast and not realizing that it contains high amounts of calories , which is about 1,150 calories, 60 grams of fat and 2,260 milligrams of sodium, which does not seem like a like an ordinary breakfast more like a heart attack! These are the things everyone should be aware of. Lack of nutritional knowledge has led to the downfall of American adolescents health. Young adults (18-26 years old) can educate the younger generation to know what the adolescents are consuming and themselves. Fast food restaurants are expanding throughout America very rapidly and that is not a good sign due to all the overweight and obese individuals.…
Obesity is the scourge of modern Australia. Obesity is defined by excessive or abnormal fat accumulation which presents health risks (Australian Institute Health and Welfare (AIHW), 2016, p. 149). There are many health consequences presented by the disease, both physical and mental with the power to destroy the lives of numerous Australians. Obesity is an intricate disease with serious social and psychosocial elements affecting all ages and population groups within Australia, in particular our children (World Health Organisation (WHO), 2003, p. 1). It is a multifactorial issue that places a large economic burden on Australians that needs to be addressed. The alarming prevalence and incidence of this disease must be actively approached through…