
Objectivism In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Ayn Rand expresses her views on the future with her book Anthem, which is full of adventure and mysteries that never stops surprising the reader especially with how she expresses her views on objectivism. Equality 7-2521 is a character that is on a journey into a discovery that will change his life. Pursuing his life, goals, liberty, and happiness is forbidden. Ayn Rand's works of political philosophical fiction states her negative views on totalitarianism while explaining how individualism is a necessity in life and using a romanticism approach at literature. Anthem represents a totalitarian government which the leaders of the society have absolute control over its citizens and economy. Many times Ayn Rand states the horrors of this form of government and how it will lead to great …show more content…

Relationships, including friendships and lovers are forbidden. Everyone must be loved and treated equally for Equality 7–2521 has been taught that is what is best for the greater good. Liberty 5-3000 enters Equality’s life and describes her as “brave and single-minded.” She supports Equality's anarchist behavior and later becomes part of his search for individualism. They continue to show their feelings for each other by giving each other new names that reflected their personality. Ayn Rand’s fiction is Realist because she deals with real problems of normal people. Equality 7–2521 knows there is something different about him. Based on his stories of his brother’s nightmares and sobs in the bunkhouse at night, others have a yearning for something. They don't know what it is, but Equality 7-2521 recognizes his desire for knowledge. Ayn Rand was able to negatively portray parts of the book while giving her literature

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