Date of observation: 28/1/2015
Time observation started and finished: 10.30 – 10.45
Number of adults present: 5 and 1 student observer
Permission obtained from: playschool supervisor
Description of setting: This observation took place in a registered community pre-school, the school consists of two rooms, one main classroom with the capacity to accommodate 22 children and one smaller that accommodates 8 children, the smaller of the two rooms has a sand tray, a water play station, a large double sided blackboard and an art station which is used for working with play dough and free style art. The main large room has free play toys, a library and story corner, a home corner and table and chairs for children to sit at. The preschool has a play based curriculum under the AISTEAR framework.
Immediate context: This observation took place in the main classroom of the playschool TC is seated at a table colouring in a picture of a spaceship and the moon there is one other child at the table she is also colouring in. the observation took place at 10.30 in the morning during free play, it was a really bad day outside it was snowing and there was thunder and lightning.
Brief description of the child observed: TC is a male aged four years and 5 months, he attends playschool five days per week, TC has two older sisters aged 7 and 10 and two older brothers ages 14 and 18, TC is a very active, talkative child.
Aim of observation: the aim of this observation is to examine TC for a period of fifteen minutes to assess his language development.
Rationale: It is important to observe children in order to plan developmentally appropriate activities for them, to ensure they are meeting the appropriate developmental milestones for their age.
Method: pre-coded
Media used; pen, refill pad, laptop and printer.
Observation key ATC(Adult speaks to target child) TCA