My first assumptions were that there would be a coalition between the Art therapy students and the MFT students, due to our …show more content…
For example, she came up with the group concept and shared her different views within the group. I’d experience Katie being an over functioned majority of the time. Katie also struggles with Alexis around the power struggle and need for the hierarchy. with that being said, she focuses on making sure each person had the same share of work by setting up a document further open the line of communication among group members.
In conclusion, our group works well together and there was limited conflict within our group system. However, there were alliances within our group structure based off of our different educational backgrounds. Therefore, working together resulted in these alliances diminishing and we began to focus on being a team opposed to rivals. Although there was some evidence of a power struggle between the two art therapy students within our group system. In the end, we work well together being a blended group system, there appeared to be no further evidence of conflicts among subsystems within our group