Name: Iona Fisher
Date: Wednesday May 14th, 2014
Time of observation: 9.30 - 11.30
Number of Children: 11
Number of Staff: 3
Ages of children: 18 months - 2.5 years of age
Upon entering the toddler environment, the first thing that I noticed was the classroom atmosphere, which was calm and yet full of educational opportunities for a variety of students. The shelves and materials were organized in sequential order, the shelves were exposed so that materials were easily accessed. If the parents came into the classroom they would be able to see every material their child may be working with. The shelves were also not cluttered but materials were spread out so they could be seen and accessed easily by the toddler.
The morning program started with a circle time where the children were asked by the teacher to greet each other, they sang the welcome song and then talked about the weather. I noticed that the children were encouraged to speak during this time and to sit on a cushion, every child participated in the song. In the area of self-direction, I observed that some of the older children were quite independent when it came to choosing their own work. One child in particular who I believe is the oldest one in the class worked on all of her activities very carefully and quietly, and would sometimes "experiment" with the material while remaining careful and respectful of the material. Another child was painting and she decided to put her hands inside the cup, and once stirred the colored water with the paint brush to see what would to happen. This type of experimentation showed her natural curiosity. A few of the very young ones were quite "busy" and would often walk through the classroom talking or touching other children's work, while the others are just observing their friends doing the activities. I also noticed that some children would get upset easily when others touched their materials, while the others would allow