The first observation I did was at my friends house. Alishaba was coming over on sunday. the house itself was pretty big but since no kids lived there it was pretty boring if I look at it from a kid's point of view. the sitting room where this observation took place was attached to the kitchen so we are all sitting on the sofa (me, my friend, and his dad.) and my friend's mom was working in the kitchen. I am observing my friend'd niece. I asked my friends usually when she comes over what she do? He said …show more content…
It showed that she didn't have anything to say but she wanted to get some recognition or she was expecting a reward. As I studied in this class, at this age alishaba was using long sentences (in both languages) and using bigger words such as "angry", "not going to", "always", "disgusting"," awesome", and etc.
8) Alsihaba was very well aware of her gender identity. She had a purse in which she had toy Lipstick and makeup kit. I believe that she see her mom as a role model and is aware of what kind of things she does. About the gender role concept Alishaba made me think a lot. She was with group of girls when she was doing puzzle but it looked like she was not too comfartable with them. Later on she was playing with her friends who were girls as well. At the house she talking to my friend more than anyone and talking about her dad as well. It seemed like she didn't really have a prefrence it was onlt the matter of who is comfartable with. It could also be that she was only comfatable with the men in the house only, because I didn't see her intercting with any …show more content…
Coloring and playing with her friends made her happy and she was smiling and jumping around. Cognitively she was well developed. She was able to eat with out anyone supervising. As Piaget theory states that children around this age use symbol to represent people, places, or events. For Alishaba Keys was something that reminded her of her dad, as door opened she assosiated it with some one leaving (her parents most likely). Her language skills were amazing as she was speaking two languges without any problems. She uses many big words and long sentences. She was well aware of the fact that she was a female. She kept toy lipstick and make up kit as she probably imitates her mom and her mom seemed like the "role model" for her. She was very interestingly character for me to observe. mostly she was like a typical girl for that age but only few things that I thought were a little unique is her being anxsious even at that age and not interecting with the girls she didn't know when she was very interctive with the ones she