The resources that were being used for the lesson were the projector, computer, online class bulletin, and each student was using their phone to post on the bulletin. The noise level fluctuated. When the teacher was talking the noise level of the student was very low. When she the teacher or student teacher asked a question, the students would talk at a medium level with their group. …show more content…
The whole space of the classroom was being used.
There were 6 groups of 4 desk spread out around the room with just enough room to move around. The desk being so close was a little distracting when a student would get up to get their folder, a tissue, or anything
The concentration of the students fluctuated. While the teacher or student teacher was teaching, most of the students were concentrating. When the students began independent work the amount of students concentrating dropped. The amount of students that were involved during the lesson was 20 students out of 25. The students stayed in their desk throughout the class, but some would stand up occasionally stand up to stretch. The teacher continuously moves through the class all around the students.
Lines of communication occurred between the student teacher as she taught and the students as they replied to her questions. Then they occurred between the teacher and the students as she went around and asked them individual question. Then communication occurred between students as they worked together in their groups.
I found this observation interesting because both, the teacher and student teacher were very engaging with the students. Most of the students were engaged during the whole class and seemed to be interested. I think the activity level and the noise level of this lesson was very appropriate. Although, I think the teacher should’ve gone by and tapped on the desk of the few students that were having trouble concentrating.