Comparative study of OCTAPACE CULTURE in Governmental and Non-Governmental Educational Institute
Cultural awareness in higher education helps to achieve organizational goals, analyzeorganizations, explain differences among organizations, and unify personnel. Culturalawareness is also important because culture influences the making and implementation of decisions. Two major research views regarding organizations and organizational culture havedeveloped. First, the functional view regards organizational values as absolute, culture as anontological entity, and culture as a product of the organization. Here, researchers examinecausal laws, observable behaviors, and organizational structures. By contrast, the interpretiveapproach regards organizations as cultures that subjectively create their own realities. Here,researchers assess how personnel interpret their organizations. Under the interpretiveparadigm, three facets of culture furnish a framework for interpreting culture in organizations.The structural facet concerns the ways in which organizations perform their activities; theenvironmental facet concerns the context of people, events, demands, and constraints; and thevalue facet concerns the beliefs, norms, and priorities held by personnel. Administrators andresearchers should analyze culture in their own organizations to reduce conflict and to promotethe sharing of goals.
HRD believes that individuals in an organization have unlimited potential for growthanddevelopment and that their potential can be developed and multiplied through appropriateandsystematic efforts. Given the opportunities and by providing the right type of climatein anorganization, individuals can be helped to give full contribution to their potentials,to achieve thegoals of the organization, and thereby ensuring optimization of humanresources. Therefore, toinitiate HRD practices, a firm philosophy with humane and valuebased approach has