Individual who have impulse problems believe in the idea that they are superior to everyone. “And as he cried out in such a desperate misery, he struck his eyes over and over - until a shower of blood and tears splattered down his beard like a torrent of crimson rain and hail”(Sophocles 1316). If Oedipus waits and considers all his possibilities he won't gouge out his eyes, but he doesn't wait and goes straight into blinding himself and after he finishes he realizes the wrong he has done. One can say Oedipus gouges out his eyes to punish himself therefore he knows what he is doing. He is in deep sorrow because his wife …show more content…
“You saw what was forbidden to be seen, yet you failed to recognize those whom you longed to see”(Sophocles 1316). Oedipus gouges out his eyes just because he finally realizes how blind he really was. His arrogance got in the way of seeing all those clues laid out for him by the messenger, Tiresias, and Jocaste. Oedipus is in deep sorrow that is the reason he blinds himself not because he is arrogant but because he is just plain stupid. He doesn't out all the pieces together. Oedipus solves the puzzle of the sphinx proving that he isn't dumb and it's not just sorrow. The reason being that he sees the truth and wants to unsee it. Sometimes being metaphorically blind is worse than being literally