Antonio Lopez
Mrs. Hasek
English 1C
March 26, 2014
Of Mice and Men Essay Have you ever been lonely? In the novel Of Mice and Men everyone has a predator; loneliness, isolation, and low self-esteem make them vulnerable to predators. All of the characters want a friend, they long for a relationship. One like the relationship George and Lennie have. The book starts off in Soledad, George and Lennie are escaping from weed, they plan to go to a ranch for work. This ranch has all kinds of neat characters, but three that present the most loneliness are: Curley’s Wife, Crooks, and Candy. With their loneliness they become isolated and insecure, and just want a friend. Throughout this novel these characters create tension, because they are lonely and either want someone to talk to or just need attention. In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck presents several memorable characters to develop the theme of loneliness of human existence. One lonely character that is lonely in this book is Candy. In the beginning, Candy is pressured, by Carlson, to kill his dog Candy didn’t want to because he had known him since he was a puppy. Candy says “Well-Hell! I had him so long. Had him since he was a pup.” (Steinbeck,
Lopez 2 page 44) The other characters agree because the dog smells, and the dog is sick and old. Carlson ends up shooting his dog that night. When he hears the gun shot he became really sad. The next day he has no dog, and when the other guys go out to the field he has nobody to comfort him. In the book he is disabled, he is missing one of his hands. This creates loneliness because he thinks of his future. He thinks he will soon be not useful to the ranch because he will be disabled and old, much like his dog. Throughout the book Candy is presented as both a flat and static character. Another character in Of Mice and Men that presents loneliness is Crooks. Although he is only mentioned few times, there is a scene where he and Lennie have a conversation in the