Back to school season is literally the worst. There are parents that bring their kids and they mess up everything. They would spill a box full of paperclips or take every stapler out of the box. It’s so tiring to fix them up because it’s a huge place and every hour a kid comes in and mess up the whole entire store again. I just want to ball up in a corner and cry because my hard work of fixing it is destroyed.
There’s this one customer who loves using coupons and a rewards member at Office Depot. A rewards member gets cash back on a number of items bought. I had to look at every price and detail …show more content…
whenever I have to scan her items because she might change her mind about an item. I hate dealing with it. Even though I told her that it is fine, I’m internally crying. She gets happy seeing how much money she saved and I’m over here with a slow applause and a stank eye to you. The cashier system is terrible. It likes to freeze up when I try to look back at items. It froze two times and I had to rescan not one, not two, but every item that the customer had and it wasted my time and their time. There is nothing I can do about it.
Copy and print is a total nightmare. It’s a huge ball of a headache and annoying customers just declawing at me. “I want 64 copies of this.” “Can you print me this document?” “I need a blueprint of this.” I want this and I want that. There’s a long line of people waiting and it pressures me because they can see me doing a terrible job. One time, I had to print a customer’s one hundred pages of documents and then fax them right after. I repeat a hundred pages of documents and faxing them. Like?! Do you not see our printing system? Out printing machine is not that bad, but our fax machine is literally the slowest machine ever made. It’s like a snail getting from end of the sidewalk to another. It took me until closing to print and fax this document. But when the total amount came up, she asked for a manager so she can lower the amount… My deathbed is calling for me. Working the night shift is one of the worst time to work.
The manager that works the nightshift makes the workers stay a 1 hour longer than the time we close.
Why? Because the bathrooms need to be clean and the place has to be proper and nice. I was already tired and they needed me do more work? Cleaning the bathrooms is one of the worst thing working the night shift. It’s like cleaning up after a child, but they’re adults. People don’t know how to flush the toilets or pick up their toilet paper that they left on the ground. Note to customers: clean after yourselves because us workers don’t want to clean after you guys.
Never apply for a part-time job for Office depot. It is the worst place to work. Unless you really need the money. They pay $9.15 per hour which isn’t that bad. I was super lucky when the store closed down right when I wanted to quit. Since I’m jobless now, I’m not looking forward to finding another job during the