Abdulmonem M. Al-Shirawi
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor Philosophy in Marketing Brunel University, 2012
To my family for their continual love and support and the President of Ahlia University for his support that helped me to achieve and realize my dream.
It has been a long journey that demanded a lot of effort and time from me and my supervisor: Professor Charles Dennis. Therefore, I would like to thank him with gratitude for his dedicated support, guidance and encouragement during this journey. His passion for research and his approach to critical thinking made my work with him very inspiring, challenging, and thought-provoking. I would like also to acknowledge the contribution of my second supervisor Dr. Saeed El-Hajjar for his contribution and constructive feedback. My deepest gratitude goes to the president of Ahlia University, Professor Abdulla Al-Hawaj for his encouragement and support during this long journey. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the Ahlia University staff members for the support provided to me during the last few years especially professor Amer Al Roubaie and Gowrishankar. Finally, my warm and heartfelt thanks go to my family for their everlasting love and support which sustained me in the years it took to bring this work to completion.
Contribution to Conference Proceedings
Al-Shirawi, A. and Hajjar, S. (2012) ‘Developing a scale to measure the level of market orientation in the financial services sector within a resource-based economy’, Paper presented at the International Conference on Economics Marketing and Management, IPEDR Vol. 28, LACSIT Press: Singapore.
Sent to International Journal of Research in Marketing (waiting for acceptance)
‘An Empirical