
Ojibwe Essay

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Importance of the Ojibwe Language to the Aboriginal Culture In this paper I will be discussing the importance and how it is beneficial for the Ojibwe language to their culture. I personally feel that without the Ojibwe language there is no culture to the Aboriginals. It is important to have knowledge about their culture and better understanding of the traditions and their beliefs and the respects of them. Learning about the language and having a better understanding of it, benefits Aboriginal communities and schools as well. Educating young children, the language benefits them for a greater success in the future for employment and educated on substance abuse. Furthermore, if the language is shown and learned, it’ll be a part of their identity. …show more content…

Throughout the centuries Aboriginals would gather in a circle sharing stories, their beliefs and lessons in life to maintain their historical record and keep their culture alive. Aboriginals also gained environmental knowledge and understood the life cycles throughout the seasons. Whether it was the time of year to hunt and trap for either food or clothing, gathering berries and fruits, harvest, and digging certain roots for medicines, these were ways of survival to pay respects to Mother Earth. These traditions and teachings are an important part of the Aboriginal culture which are still taught …show more content…

A study shows that “Aboriginal youth are at a significant risk of becoming involved in substance abuse. Studies have shown that youth of First Nations, Métis and Inuit descent are of the highest abusers of illicit drug use in Canada.” (Scott, 1997; Framework Sub-committee of the National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation & Thatcher, 2000). Increasing the knowledge that youth have about drug and alcohol abuse would give them a better understanding and educated decision if they were presented in a situation where they were involved in that state. These are reasons as to why I believe the Ojibwe language is beneficial to the Aboriginals and their communities, having knowledge of the language can help improve education and having education would lead to teachings about

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