Cycle of fidelity and infidelity
Infidelity punishment military crisis oppression
JHWH charismatic leader “judge”
People faithful during life of the judge
Cyrcle for idolitary crisis punishment oppression
Canaanite religion fertility crisis
El head God throne divine council
Asherah El’s Consort (spouse)
Baal storm god and warrior thunderbolt fertility
Role and function of the “judge” in Israel
Question of leadership
Judges 1:1 Question
Juge sofet one who makes decision
Outstanding persons in Israel between Joshua and Samuel
Leaders in struggle with non Israelite neighbors
Class of rulers
Not hereditary like kings
Not limited to men Deborah prophetess and judge
Rose to leadership time of crisis
Chosen by people
Called to office by JHWH Gideon and Samson
Role lead JHWH’s people protect people
Charismatic leader JHWH spirit save people
Instrument of JHWH’s fidelity to the people
Arose at time of fidelity of people
Oppression caused by fidelity
Judges 2:11-15
Deliverance salvation return to JHWH
Judges 2:18
Story of Gideon deuteronomic interpretation of history
Total dependacne on JHWH
Shalom fidelity to JHWH
Characteristic of deuteronomic style
Literary style
Very emotional author not leach convince people to obey
Numberous repetitions of phrases
The lord your God and Remember Israel
Hear o Israel and Today
Keep the commandments laws and customs
Key ideas
Jhwh is sole God of Israel
Has chosen Israel Israel responds to election
Isreal must love jhwh
Jhwh given Israel land faithful to covenant
Liturgy assembly called by jhwh hear and understand word of god
a. Saul: first king of Israel
Tragic hero 1 Samuel 13-31
Transitional leader collapse of confederacy and birth of new order
Alienated two people Samuel and David (Saul’s downfall)
Political failure more a judge than a king
No transformation tribes centralized gov’t.
Tribal democracy
No taxes; no military conscription only volunteers; no hierarchy of court officials fortress Gibeah
Authority “charisma” departure of “spirit”
Rejected by Samuel
Popular acclaim of David
David succeeds Saul as king
Davids rise to power 2 Samuel 1
David and men mourn Saul’s death
David orders amelkile king killed
David assumes reign over Israel
David extends his borders
Philistines Moab Edom Ammon Syria
David Captures Jerusalem
Political Center
Spiritual Center : Ark of the Covenant
The Davidic Covenant 2 Samuel 7
God’s promise to David
Vv10-11 secure dwelling place for Israel vv. 12-14 david’s son temple
v.13 david’s dynastic line v . 14 relationsihip david’s descendantas vv. 14-15 god’s “hesed” never depart
David’s Affair With Bathsheba 2 Samuel 11-12
Nathan Confronts David
David finishes his reign 2 Smauel 21-24
Solomon succeeds david as king of Israel 1 kings
The beginning of solomons regin 1 kings 1:1-2:46
The glory of solomons reign
Solomon asks for wisdom 1 King 3
Solomon builds the temple 1 Kings 6
Solomon’s Fame 1 Kings 10
King rejection of JHWH
King is Israel king in other nations
Kingship in ancient near east
King is divine “god” Egypt and mesapotamia
King represeneted “god” to people
Bringer of salvation
Prince of peace
Corporate personality
Blessed and cursed
Protected rights of people
Threat to JHWH as King
Kingship in Israel
No divinization in Israel
Difrrerence between JHWH and king
Close relationship between JHWH and King
Representative of JHWH
Anointing ceremony “spirit of JHWH”
JHWH true king of Israel
Israel Ten Tribes North
Judah Two Tribes South
Northern Israel
Corrupt Leadership
Capital Sumeria
Challenge to Jahwism
Rise of Prophecy: Elijah Elisha
Fall of Samaria to Assyrians Exile to Assyria
Southern Israel
Capital Jerusalem
Corrupt Leadership
Challenge Jawhism
Reforming Kings: Hezekiah Josiah
Fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians Exile to Babylon
No king; city or temple