Omnivore’s Dilemma Essay Do you love steak? I am sorry to say but most of the beef products made in the United States have GMO’s in them. Whether you know or not, the cows in feedlots are fed GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) corn. We need to change our country’s policy to make our food healthier for us and for the animals our meat is coming from.
We splice corn with fish genes to create this monstrosity of a food for families that don’t have enough money and for farmed animals. They wanted to have GMO’s called organic. Tests have proven that GMO foods have affected our health in many ways, from shortening our lifespan to heart disease. Yet, we still let these big industrial farms still run and feed these animals this monstrosity, it is ludicrous! We need to ban cross-species unhealthiness. GMO corn is spliced with fish genes, to create a “super corn”. Just banning GMO’s …show more content…
After WWII, the government found itself with a tremendous surplus of ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate is the main ingredient for fertilizer, and bombs. This fertilizers that big industrial farms use destroy the fertility of the soil and damage the root system setup by the plants around the area. They can also drain into rivers and wipe out a species. DDT, that pesticide almost wiped out the Bald Eagle population. These pesticides and fertilizers have destroyed insects and nitrogen that help plants grow. Instead we use lab produced fertilizers to help the plants grow. These pesticides and fertilizers damage the ecosystems around them and our dangerous not just to plants and animals to but they are also damaging our environment. Pesticides and fertilizers are not the only thing that destroy soil fertility and the ecosystem around