Every year we successfully recover compensation for thousands of clients who have been injured in road accidents, whether as drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians.
We specialise in all road traffic litigation, acting for client’s who have suffered minor injuries such as bruising and whiplash, right through to clients who have suffered serious and life threatening injuries. We also act for client’s who have lost family members in fatal road accidents.
If you have been injured in a road accident that was caused by someone else, then you are entitled claim compensation for your injuries and financial losses.
Even where the person that caused your injuries was not insured or where you were injured in a ‘hit and run’ accident, then our dedicated team of personal injury lawyers can help you claim your full entitlement to compensation.
It does not matter that you do not have legal expenses insurance, because we can act for you under a 'No Win No Fee' agreement that protects you from having to pay any legal costs in the event your claim is unsuccessful*.
* Subject to you entering into a ‘No Win No Fee’ agreement and complying with your responsibilities under your legal expenses insurance policy
We are going to discuss the CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES and PREVENTION of ROAD ACCIDENTS. Road accidents also called traffic collision are caused by humans when they overlook laid down rules and regulations governing the use of roads. According to the population reference Bureau “an estimated 1.2 million people are killed in road crashes each year and as many as 50 million are injured”
ROAD ACCIDENTS are caused when individuals neglect or refuse to FOLLOW road SIGNS AND REGULATIONS. One of the major causes is OVER SPEEDING which accounts for one of the many causes of road accidents daily. This happen when drivers