Mall vs. Online shopping
We have the option to choose between the ordering products online or purchasing it in the local store. Some people choose shopping online because they like shopping during the time the physical store is closed (after midnight), or to avoid crowds. Other people prefer shopping in stores in order to try on the product. It became a trend over the last few years that online shopping is a lot easier especially when shipping is free or on a low coast. Prices are influenced by logistics. Have you even noticed why prices are more expensive on a store’s website, and they are less expensive in the physical store? This is especially true with clearance items and end-of-season products. Department stores receive new seasonal products ahead of time, which needs to be on display as soon as possible. This is why online discount coupons or clearance sales may not always get you the best deal. It all depends on type of items you need, cost of the item, and whether or not the item is seasonal or not. With proper research and comparison-shopping, and weekend flexibility; it would be online or in-store.
Finally, if you are shopping for convenience and the joy of shopping in the comfort of your home, than online shopping with discount codes is a great option. When shoppers base their purchases on price alone, than researching the weekend sales, browsing the clearance racks in the stores are the most cost effective option for you.