Organizational behavior as a trait has taught lots of things which will be very useful throughout my personal and professional career. The study of Paradigm shift made me learn to come out of the old work practices followed and work on the newer and more efficient ones despite the resistance of coming out of my comfort zone. It helped me setup rules and define boundaries for success in future. After studying about the “knowing-doing gap” I actually calculated my actual working hours and separated from it ‘thinking’ hours and calculated the net productivity. And again a practical application of EBM was the decisions that I have taken in my previous organization on the basis of statistics of performance alone and not knowing the reasons for poor performance. Because of which, I completely missed the human dimension of management.
Citing an example over expectations, its 5:00 AM in the morning and my alarm rings and when I was about to hit the snooze button my mobile drops on the floor. After searching for a few minutes on a dark floor I ended up hurting my hand by hitting it with an edge of the bed. “How horrible is this day going to be?” is what I said to myself and got up. After studying for few hours I realize that because of thinking about the mobile and alarm incident I am already late for the first 8:30 class, somehow after I managed to reach the class I realize that, not only have I missed brining the book to the class but also the assignment which I prepared by getting up early. 'See, I knew this was going to be a bad day. “Why did I even get out of bed?” Is the only thought that rushes through my mind. Now, I am not a physic, who can read the future, so why did his predictions of having a bad day come true? The