Doctor Salwa Ammar a faculty of Le Moyne College (one of 28 sister institution in the United States and more than 100 Jesuits universities worldwide) attempt to describe the teaching of OR/MS as a natural part of the Jesuits tradition in education and to construct a case why and how OR/MS found a natural home within the Jesuit Education, The author was frequently asked “What‘s an operating research professor doing in a nice, liberal arts school like Le Moyne College.
The encompassing philosophy of the Jesuits education is consistent with the essence of Operation research / Management Science.
II. Findings
According to Father Kolvenbach the Jesuit Education has four characteristic:
• It is eminently practical, focused on providing students with the knowledge and skills to excel in whatever field they chose.
• It is not only practical, but concerns itself also with questions of value, with educating men and women to be a good citizen and good leaders, concerned with the common good and able to use their education for the service of faith and promotion of justice.
• It celebrates the full range of human intellectual power and achievement, confidently affirming reasons, not oppose to faith, but as its necessary complement.
• It places all that it does firmly within a Christian understanding of human person as a creature of God whose ultimate destiny is beyond the human.
III. Relevance or contributions to the existing body of knowledge
The author relates the characteristic of Jesuits education to the study of Operation Research/ Management Science.
• OR/MS as an interdisciplinary field with practical application is focused on imparting skills as providing training in analytical thinking and problem solving that would facilitate success.
• The field of OR/ MS focuses on concepts of operation for the common good, it bridge the gap between optimizing the bottom line and creating appropriate and productive