Communication is an important part of our lives. Communication, just like love, makes the world go round.Communication enables us to improve our skills at interacting with people. People who are good communicators tend to do better in their careers.We communicate everyday with different people, at different times, in different ways. We Communicate with ourselves in our thoughts. We also communicate with our family, friends, people at work, and people we meet, socially or professionally.At times we may even need to communicate with a larger audience such as members of the public.
English has become an important language in Malaysia as the society starts realizing the importance of the use of English in this new millennium. It is not only the English language that has been a major concern nowadays, but also orall communication skills in order to become competent in communicating with the rest of the world. After all, for Malaysian to be able to compete, English oral communication skills are essential to success. To Succeed in any field, the ability to convey or share knowledge and interact with other people is a concern.
Communication is a process whereby meaning is defined and shared between living organisms. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not present or aware of the sender’s intent to communicate at the time of communication. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the sender. According to Camp & Satterwhite (2002), there are three types of communication: (a) Oral Communication (b) Written Communication (c) Non-Verbal Communication
Oral communication has been described as the process of people using verbal and non-verbal messages to generate meaning within and across various contexts, cultures, channels and media. It encompasses various sets of