CHEM 181
Dr. Haythem Ali Saadeh
Fall, 2012
Course Title: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY for Non-Majors
Course Number: CHEM 181
Prerequisite: General Chemistry
Credit Hours: 2 Cr. Hrs. (comprises of 2 hrs. lecture per week)
Course Instructor: Dr. Haythem Ali Saadeh h.saadeh@uaeu.ac.ae
Textbook: “Organic Chemistry: A Short Course”
By Harold Hart, Leslie E. Craine and David J. Hart.
ISBN #: (0-618-215360), 11th Edition, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, New York; USA, 2003.
Course Description
This course provides students with a basic understanding and skills in selected areas of organic chemistry relevant to chemical engineers. It covers modern organic chemistry with emphasis on synthesis, mechanisms, structure and current laboratory techniques. Contents include the basic chemical bonding theory; nomenclature of organic compounds; basic organic reactions; mechanisms of the basic organic reactions; organic synthesis and applications of organic chemistry in industry: polymers, petrochemicals, sugars, proteins and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Course Objectives:
To enable students to acquire a fundamental understanding of the basic scientific knowledge in modern organic chemistry and its applications to everyday life, and to become familiar with the principles of bonding, nomenclature of various organic groups, terminology, structure/properties (physical and chemical) relationship, molecular geometries as well as simple reaction mechanism. Detailed objectives are as follows.
1. The student will be able to distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds and recognize important organic functional groups.
2. The student will be able to draw Kekulé, condensed, and skeletal structures for organic compounds; name by IUPAC or common system the classes of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, alkyl halides