First of all, we thank the Almighty Allah, the most gracious, and the most merciful, for his helping, blessing and guidance for accomplishing this task. We would love to take the advantage to thank our teacher Mrs. Liana Anwar for her guidance and full support. Her advices made this research an easy task led to the accomplishment of our thesis. This thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their invaluable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.
Executive Summary
Organizational behavior modification, or OB Mod, is the application of reinforcement theory to people in organizational settings. Reinforcement theory says that we can increase the frequency of desirable behaviors by linking those behaviors with positive consequences and decrease undesirable behaviors by linking them with negative consequences. OB mod characteristically uses positive reinforcement to encourage desirable behaviors in employees. Realblackz Web Solution applied employee motivation factors to change behavior problems that decrease the productivity. It worked significantly and helped gain them over 40% of profit in the following year. Hence, the organization behavior modification process was effective for the organization.
Objective of the Report
* To evaluate the effectiveness of organizational behavior mod in exchange employee motivation in Realblackz Web Solution.
Books * Organizational Behavior
- Gregory Moorhead
- Ricky W. Griffin * Organizational Behavior
- Stephen P. Robbins
- Timothy A. Judge
* * *
Organizational Behavior Modification
Organizational behavior modification, or OB Mod, is the application of