It is probable that the single most prevalent aspect of organizational behavior through the eyes of an employee would be the impact that they personally have on the company. What this implies, is that when I try to describe the impact individuals have to the company, it will be solely from my perspective as a non-managerial employee. Had my perspective been from that of an employee in a management-level position, it would most likely differ. From the experiences that I have had in the two and a half years that I have worked at My Company, it seems to me that individuals are encouraged to take the initiative to make their work as productive as possible. I have been part of many changes that have been initiated by non-management level employees to try and streamline and improve efficiencies within the company. This has led me to believe that one of the 'in-use ' espoused values is that of empowering all levels of employees with the ability to make changes that will directly affect their particular areas.
When evaluating the group component and how that relates to the My Company environment, I am going to make the assumption
Cited: Robbins, Stephen. Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Pearson, 2001.