Project Report
Company: Marriott
Marriott International is ranked 71 in the top 100 companies to work for. It has a adaptive strategy to external forces, third highest paid salary in U.S. It is family friendly and has a lot of other benefits, provides a great health and fitness program and upward and friendly communication. It is the best company for hourly workers.
Mission and Vision:
To create an environment conducive and helpful to both our employees and customers, thereby encouraging our employees to work at their maximum capacity in being of service to our customers whilst providing our customers with good food and good service at a fair price.
To become the leading provider and facilitator of value- based luxury, leisure and business experiences across the globe.
Business Values: * Commitment to human rights * Ethical and legal standards * Working with suppliers * Helping the workforce grow
Human rights do not have to be bought, earned or inherited; they belong to people simply because they are human. Human rights are inherent to each individual. Ethical standards are principles that when followed, promote values such as trust, good behavior, fairness, and/or kindness. There is not one consistent set of standards that all companies follow, but each company has the right to develop the standards that are meaningful for their organization. Ethical standards are not always easily enforceable, as they are frequently vaguely defined and somewhat open to interpretation ("Men and women should be treated equally,” or "Treat the customer with respect and kindness."). Others can be more specific, such as "Do not share the customer's private information with anyone outside of the company.
A lot of growing companies focus on one trait of their suppliers: price. And price certainly is important when you're selecting suppliers to accompany you as you grow your business. But there's more to a supplier than an