Organisational Climate Survey
Leadership Tools
Organisational Climate: A proven tool for improving business performance
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What Is Organisational Climate? The term “organisational climate” can be used in either a technical or a colloquial sense. As a technical term, it is defined as “a set of measurable properties of the work environment, based on the collective perception of the people who live and work in the environment and demonstrated to influence their motivation and behaviour.” As an everyday term, it describes the way it feels to work in an organisation. People use “climate” as a catchall phrase to describe the overall “tone” or “work atmosphere” of an organisation. Simply stated, climate is people’s perceptions of the environment in which they work. Why Study Climate? According to either the technical or the everyday definition of the term, climate seems to play an important role in determining how people behave in an organisation. Different climates attract and motivate different kinds of employees by subtly or blatantly defining the “rights and wrongs” and “dos and don’ts” for each organisational member. If people perceive that certain kinds of behaviour will be rewarded, they will be motivated to engage in those behaviours. Similarly, if there is a feeling that other behaviours are punished (“that’s not done around here”), these will be avoided. Research and experience have shown that organisational climate has a long-term impact on an organisation’s productivity and performance. For example, climates characterised by informality, few procedures, independence and high responsibility tend to motivate creative R&D professionals. This same kind of work environment might prove extremely frustrating to other employees, who would be most productively motivated by a more structured and predictable climate. The study of climate is important because it helps