Almost all of the ancient civilizations had their own significant torture way just like: Romans had crucifixion which was that the person was nailed to a wooden board in a shape of a cross much known full because of the death of Christ, Jews had stoning that made a target that committed a adultery crime stand in front of people and whoever wants can throw a stone and kill him, Egyptians had desert sun death that is when a person is to be put out in the middle of the burning desert and die from the searing sun. almost every civilization had their own torture way but the most dark ways of practicing torture remain in the middle ages where torture was their way of finding every single information most of their torture involved in making the subject die in agony. Some of them were: “The Judas Cradle” was a devilish device that forces the victim to sit in a pointy edge of a triangle the while slowly getting down he or she was penetrated through their rectal parts, while some did not die they may acquire a infection which they will die from because the device was never cleaned, other torture that was the most cheapest of all was the “The Rat Torture” were the rat will be placed on a bucket and onto the victim stomach and will have fire around the bucket as the rat felt the heat it will start to look for a way out and will end ripping through the victim's stomach, but one of the most repulsive tortures ways was “The Saw Torture” were the victim chosen will be upside down tied from his toes and will be cut in half or sometimes they only cut it till the middle so se victim will agonize in
Almost all of the ancient civilizations had their own significant torture way just like: Romans had crucifixion which was that the person was nailed to a wooden board in a shape of a cross much known full because of the death of Christ, Jews had stoning that made a target that committed a adultery crime stand in front of people and whoever wants can throw a stone and kill him, Egyptians had desert sun death that is when a person is to be put out in the middle of the burning desert and die from the searing sun. almost every civilization had their own torture way but the most dark ways of practicing torture remain in the middle ages where torture was their way of finding every single information most of their torture involved in making the subject die in agony. Some of them were: “The Judas Cradle” was a devilish device that forces the victim to sit in a pointy edge of a triangle the while slowly getting down he or she was penetrated through their rectal parts, while some did not die they may acquire a infection which they will die from because the device was never cleaned, other torture that was the most cheapest of all was the “The Rat Torture” were the rat will be placed on a bucket and onto the victim stomach and will have fire around the bucket as the rat felt the heat it will start to look for a way out and will end ripping through the victim's stomach, but one of the most repulsive tortures ways was “The Saw Torture” were the victim chosen will be upside down tied from his toes and will be cut in half or sometimes they only cut it till the middle so se victim will agonize in