Here is the myth of Orion's creation. In the Greek mythology, it symbolizes Orion, a legendary hunter who said that he could kill every animal, no matter its tall or its dangerousity. When we look at Orion, we can see the greek hunter. Still in the greek mythology, he's been killed by Scorpius, because they were both in the same horizon. Orion is also quoted in Homere's Odysseus and the Bible.
It was said that Orion was formerly a defeated greek king, who was defeated during a long and terrible …show more content…
Romulus was a rich and powerful warrior, Emperor's friend and led an enormous army of 50 000 men. The Emperor, jalous of Orion and his popularity, told to Romulus to go for Athens and kill Orion. So Romulus did it. He brought with him his whole army and traveled to Athens.
Orion didn't know for Romulus and his army and when he saw all the men arrive at his city, he panicked. He gather together with his personal army and wait for Romulus. The battle was bloody and many men of both camp died. Romulus and Orion fought for hours, with all of their braviour, but finally Romulus succeed to kill Orion.
But the Gods didn't like it. Romulus died only a minute after Orion. Nobody could say how he died, but it was said that it was a punishment of Zeus. Indeed, it was Zeus who killed Romulus. After it, he brought Orion's corpse to his kingdom, and transformed him into a beautiful constellation. Then he blew on the dust of the Orion's corpse and since this day, we can see the king Orion in the