Source A states that ‘Oskar Schindler rose to the highest level of humanity’. He ignored the ideals of the Nazis and protected his Jews from certain death during World War 2. He used the same skills that the Nazi party had required him to use as a spy for them, he used his ‘flair for presentation, …show more content…
He was the least likely role model who appeared to only have the factory for financial gain but he ended up with nothing in order to spare the lives of his Jews.
The Jews who worked in his factory understood what he had done for them and they are grateful to him to this day because he risked everything to keep them away from concentration camps and to keep them alive.
In source B it mentions that Oskar Schindler had a Jewish accountant who helped him to contact Jews who still had some money left to invest in his factory. These Jews invested in his factory and were allowed to work there and they stood a chance at not going to a concentration camp as Schindler persuaded the Nazi party that the Jews working in his factory were needed in order for the factory to run properly.
Schindler payed the Nazis to leave his factory, ‘paying off the Nazis so they would allow them to stay in Krakow.’ Schindler did not abuse his Jewish workers in his factory, he fed them and was not cruel. His factory was a safe place for Jews during World War 2.
This shows a considerable amount humanity from Schindler towards the Jews during World War 2, indicating that he was motivated by philanthropic