September 30, 2013
David Sharpe
Principles of Fitness
Monica McCullough When humans are first born they have 270 bones but over time the bones grow together resulting in only 206 bones by the time you reach adulthood. All 206 of these bones are essential to life, and their health is beyond important. Keeping them healthy is easy. According to an old myth all you have to do is drink milk, however that is false. It is much more difficult, many people are blessed with strong healthy bones while some other people on the other hand are born with strong bones but they become weak and brittle over time. This is a disease known as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis has been around for quite some time but it has taken all this time to discover a treatment to combat osteoporosis. The medication is known as Bisphosphonates and in this interview Kurt Kennel, a specialist in endocrinology, discusses questions about osteoporosis treatment. According to Kurt Kennel there is multiple different medications used for treating osteoporosis. The most common ones are the Bisphosphonate medications that include Alendronate, Risedronate, Ibandronate, and Zoledronic Acid. There are two ways to take Bisphosphonates, the first one is to take it orally and the second one is to inject it via a shot. The other way to treat osteoporosis and the less common way is hormone-like medications that have been approved. Although this medication is a nice discovery they are only meant to slow the bones from breaking down and not stop it completely, therefore you should not rely only on the medication. In addition to the medication, people with osteoporosis should also maintain a good diet, exercise daily, quit smoking, and limit their alcohol intake. All of this is helpful information for