This report shows the outlook for Doctors within the next 4-ten years to determine the education, employment, expectations and conclusions.
Before being allowed to attend medical school a bachelor degree in science or a related study must be completed. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree the student is eligible for medical school. Medical school is about four years which are broken into three years of school and one year of an internship. A residency follows the internship and can be 3-8 years depending on the specialty. After the completion of the residency program the physician must pass a certification exam to legally be able to practice medicine. If a physician wants to get a sub specialty they are eligible to complete a fellowship following their residency program ( Ahmed Ali had to complete ten years of training before he obtained his medical license (Michael, Interview Ali).
Salaries may range from $130,000-$300,000 annually depending on the specialty of medicine. Doctors of various specialties will be able to fine employment opportunities in hospitals, physician offices, self-employment, outpatient care centers, government, education services and group practices ( Before Ahmed Ali went into his current profession of family practice, he was practicing emergency medicine. Even though the salary for emergency medicine was larger than that of family practice the hours were longer and the work was emotionally depleting. Ali makes $100,000 a year in family practice and is still working on paying off his student loans (Michael, Interview Ali).
Like every career there are advantages and disadvantages to being a doctor. The job is very well paying; Ahmed Ali makes $100,000 a year and owns his own practice. He says that the job is very rewarding and there is nothing more rewarding than saving the life of a patient (Michael, Interview Ali). The disadvantages to working in the