1-Learning Outcomes being assessed:
Demonstrate an understanding about concepts of operations management and functions in manufacturing and services firms
Appraise a business situation in terms of the operations objectives appropriate to the customers’ requirements and the competitive strategy of the firm
2-Handing in format instructions
Sign this page and put it as a cover for your assignment
Late submissions will be penalized by deducting 5 points for each day the assignment is late
Submit a softcopy of your work
Work must be neat and readable.
3- Marks
Question Marks allotted Marks obtained Feedback to students PART 1 50 PART 2 25 PART 3
25 Total 100 Program Manager Approval: __________________
4-Academic Integrity:
Forms of academic impropriety Lecturer Findings
1-is there verbatim copying or unidentified and unacknowledged quotation of another's work or from Internet? 2-is there paraphrasing of another's work by simply changing a few words or altering the order without clear identification and acknowledgement? 3-is there unauthorized co-operation between a student and another person or student? 4-others
□ viva □ progress assessment
□ changes in writing style □ different spelling style 5- plagiarism report summary using KIC S/W Lecturer Conclusion Lecturer Signature :________________
Important clarification to the students
1-What is the Academic plagiarism
Taking someone else’s work and submitting it as your work without adequate mention of the source (as in the table above).
2- Punishment to academic plagiarism
The punishment to academic plagiarism may take the following forms according to level of the academic breach
Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning
Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning with recommendation to the program manger to take more action if the action is repeated