1.1. Origin of the Report
To match theoretical knowledge with that of practical field, internship plays a vital role for the students of business education. With this program the student get experiences and know that how much theoretical knowledge is deviated from the real facts. To give the test, each business students of Dept. of Business Administration, Stamford University
Bangladesh has to carry out an internship program. That 's why; I had been placed for internship program in Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) for a period of two month.
1.2. Importance of the Study
I have got the opportunity to work in the Investment Corporation Bangladesh, as a part of the internship program. As I have finished the MBA. It was time for me to get real life experience. Having understanding this I decided to do my internship in renowned organization as Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB). Now a days everybody wants to do there internship in private bank as they are performing well. As I came to know that ICB is an equity financer for the corporate investors and only disburse long term finance, and play a vital role in capital market. I decide to do my internship in ICB.
1.3. Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to identify and familiarize with the objectives of the organization, function and analyzed performance of ICB in the capital Market. Other objectives of this report are as follows:
To evaluate and analyze-
# To evaluate and analyze the portfolio performance of ICB Mutual Fund
# To understand the operation and management of investment banking in Bangladesh.
# To know the role Investment Corporation of Bangladesh as the market maker.
# To understand the activities and contribution of mutual funds in the capital markets.
# To obtain the knowledge about how the ICB Mutual Funds are
Bibliography: 1. Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB, Annual Report 2009-2010) 2