There are 530 documented cases of phobias in the world today, and there are more than 5 percent of Americans that have diagnosed phobias. *****What if I had a huge tarantula and stuck it on you’re for head and let its hairy legs crawl all over you or if I took you on an air plane so high the cars looked like little ants. Think about your worst fear and think about how it can affect you, can it make you run, pass out, or even collapse on the ground. Phobias are very powerful things and affect people in the world every day. A phobia as some of you may know is an intense fear of something that in reality poses little or no actual danger. Phobias are not as rare in people as you might think. There are 6.3 million Americans that have diagnosed phobias today. Phobias can be a big problem in people’s everyday life, but the real problem is trying to figure out cures for all the 530 cases of phobias. Phobias affect people every day and can cause major trauma to the mind and your friends and family may have phobias that you don’t know about. Today I’m going to help you understand how people deal with phobias and cures for some phobias. The Things I would like to help you understand about my speech are…. People having phobias, Phobias verse fears, and finally cures for phobias. Dealing with phobias is very hard it can affect people’s job, friendships, and family. The good thing about phobias is that they don’t actually cause anything physically harmful for the body. The bad thing about phobias it can take a major toll on your mind. Phobias can make people lose their job, not be able to hang out with friends, and not being able to do much more things in every day life.
******“Normal” fear vs. phobias
It is normal and even helpful to experience fear in dangerous situations. Fear is an adaptive human response. It serves a protective purpose, activating the automatic “fight-or-flight” response. With our bodies and minds alert and ready for action,