Genetic Factors
Genetic factors are to do with our genes and health. For example Candice inherits her looks from both her parents, even her …show more content…
health which she inherits from both parents. However if her father has a disease which is dominant, she is likely to catch the disease. Candice’s development could be effected by the Genetic Factors to do with the history of her family’s genes which include:
Cystic Fibrosis: It can be caused by a defective gene which is not dominant; therefore it is recessive which means it’s harder to catch. So for example, if the baby’s mother (Candice) has the cystic fibrosis gene, however the father doesn’t, the baby would have a low chance of getting the gene. (1/4 chance of getting it) Cystic fibrosis causes a person’s lungs whether it’s a child, adult or elderly to become clogged up with thick sticky mucus. This can cause problems with absorbing nourishment from food. As well as this people will suffer from respiratory and chest infections.
Coeliac Disease: Can have a potential effect on Candice if she is eating food that includes gluten in it. This could cause constant diarrhoea, abdominal pain and a loss of weight. This could cause problems to her baby when it gets older as the disease could stop the baby from growing properly. Coeliac happens because the small intestine finds it hard to function when a person eats gluten which could cause problems when digesting the food properly. Therefore the women’s body’s defence against infections mistakenly attacks the good healthy tissues instead.
Rheumatic Disease: It’s a disorder to do with a person’s bones, joints, ligaments and muscles which causes painful conditions such as the bones swelling, damage to the cartilage and bones around joints and continuous pain in the joints or muscles. The disease happens in the hands feet and wrists where there is a joint. People can inherit the gene through family. There are other types such as Rheumatoid arthritis, when the immune system becomes hyperactive; it attacks the linings of joints, causing all the pain.
Brittle Bone Disease: Happens at birth. It is when a baby is born with weak brittle bones. The disease is genetic. Therefore when the baby grows up, they are likely to fracture their bones easily because it’s not fully developed with the right amount of protein called collagen needed for a child to grow with strong healthy bones. So for example, if Candice’s family members have previously had the disease, her baby has the chance of catching the disease. It all depends on whether the family member has the gene or not.
Asthma: It is a disease that causes airways to the lungs to become swollen and bloated which makes it hard for people to breathe in properly. People that have the condition have the risk of getting an asthma attack which is created by pollution or an unhealthy diet. Everyone who has asthma will always need to keep beside them an asthma pump which is necessary to be used in emergencies. (When an individual is struggling to breathe) The difficulty in breathing occurs in the bronchi of the lungs.
Biological Factors
Biological factor is anything that affects the function and behaviour of a person. For example a lady named Ellie, who could be affected by the biological factor in various ways which include:
Foetal alcohol syndrome: If a lady such as Ellie was pregnant whilst drinking alcohol, this could cause foetal alcohol syndrome. This is where it causes issues and severe conditions for the baby such as brain damage leading to learning difficulties. As well as this, it can cause problems with growth and even defects to the heart. It is extremely unhealthy and dangerous for a baby to take in alcohol when it’s still a foetus because it is still developing in the womb. The baby is delicate also.
Infections during pregnancy: If Ellie was infected whilst being pregnant, this could create infections for the baby as well as the mother, such as rubella, cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted diseases through the partner who has had sex with various other people (HIV and Aids) etc. If a baby was born with rubella their legs would be deformed, they will easily catch heart diseases and would have impaired hearing problems. Some of these infections can be genetic.
Effects of diet: A biological life for a person starts right at the beginning of conception. When a baby is developing in the womb, they can easily be affected by what the mother is eating. For example if the Ellie, the mother of the baby was to eat high amounts of sugars and fats, this automatically causes problems for the baby such as an increase in cholesterol levels, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, overweight and more which contribute to the effect of the babies health when it grows up. If the mother was to drink alcohol while being pregnant, the baby could end up with disabilities and severe conditions.
Environmental Factor
An environmental factor is when a person’s health is affected by the type of environment they are living in. For example a boy named Christian who could be affected by the environmental factors by:
Pollution: Air and water pollution can have an influence towards a person’s health. For example, if Christian was to live near an area where it produces a vast amount of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide (from factories, construction work, mining) etc. this could affect Christians development. It creates too much noise which can be disturbing. Too much noise can cause people to become deaf, as well as this they release too much dust and bad toxic chemicals which Christian could inhale that could be extremely bad for him. Air pollution can also cause problems such as an effect to a person’s brain development. The increase of vehicles and factories that are being used effects the earth such as an increase of CO2 emissions which links to human health risks in various ways such as the ozone layer becomes thicker making the earth heat up faster (creating skin cancer), pollution increases and sea levels rise.
Access to recreational facilities: If Christian had low income, he would have to restrict access to travel or to do any type of recreational activities/ facilities because of the amount of money he would get. The social trends in 2009 had said that in 2007 54% of households that earn low income did not own a car. And people who earned high income, 92% had access to home internet connection. 35% of low income households owned a computer where as 25% has access to the internet. People with low income live in poorer areas (small homes) compared to someone who earns more money. A person earning high income would have more opportunities and therefore would find it easier to access facilities because they can afford it. They live in better neighbourhoods where there is better access to opportunities and facilities. Living in poverty and deprived areas is where there are not enough recreational facilities and activities because of the lack of public transport.
Access to healthcare: Areas that are deprived and have poorer facilities where people earn low income, their life expectancy would be lower than a person who is wealthier. As well as this, although everyone receives NHS for free across the UK, some people that earn low income are concerned that they may not receive the same quality of care and access to GP services or dentists. This is because those living in poor areas will find it difficult in recruiting GP’s, nurses etc. On the other hand, wealthier people will have better and easier access to health services. National statistics in 2006 said that 11% of households who do not own a car said they find it hard to access their local GP compared to the 4% who own cars. As well as this, those that also have no access to the internet at home will have difficulties in checking for services.
Bullying: It means when an individual or a group of people intimidate or harass someone. There are many ways as to how bullying starts, such as through discrimination. It can cause a person to become stressed, scared and anxious. Many people face bullying throughout their life. For example, if Christian was to get bullied by people, his confidence and self esteem would be affected depending on how bad he is getting bullied. It can destroy a person’s feelings and emotions, as well as it can change a person into someone else. Victims sometimes stay quite about what they are going through because they are scared. Bullying can include:
• Receiving abusive messages
• Verbal insults
• Physical violence or assaults
• Exclusion/ being avoided
• Theft of property
• False stories being shared about you
Family: A family is really important as our first emotional relationships and attachments occur. They provide us with first experience of social interaction. They provide us with care and love and make us learn new things. They support one another emotionally and protect each other. Furthermore family members may also help each other financially or practically. For example a family member may help out a relative or their sisters/brothers. A family raise you with respect and make sure your well behaved and that you grow up as a good person. They provide food, shelter and warmth. They push you in order to make a better living for the future. They are always there for you. Lastly they provide you with enough love and advice.
Dysfunctional family: A dysfunctional family is a family that is unable to work well together. There are many reasons why families become dysfunctional. For example a family member could have mental health problems and live in a poor house with low income and could be continuously stressed out because they can’t provide food for their children. Some adults could have very poor parenting skills (they don’t know how to raise their child right) which could influence their children into being bad causing conflict and misbehaviour within the household all the time. Especially if the mother or father is an alcoholic or that the children are growing up with a single parent who has low income. This could affect the child’s intellectual development as they would find it difficult to cope in class or even make friends with other people. Some parents can be very aggressive, depressed and constantly neglect their children. A dysfunctional family can damage individual’s emotional and social development. Some parents could have grown up with a dysfunctional family themselves and have very little knowledge of how to bring up a normal family of their own. A dysfunctional family is opposite to a normal family, they can’t provide for their family because of depression, past issues and bad parenting skills, break ups and low income problems. Lastly if the parent has no qualifications of their own, their child will follow their footsteps and think its fine not to gain any type of qualifications. They are most likely to get into trouble a lot, doing theft and crime.
Culture and beliefs: A culture can be identified by aspects of language, self-presentation (how you perceive yourself to others), religion, music, art, agriculture, literature etc. Children learn their culture and beliefs from their family during childhood. They have to follow their religion, culture and beliefs.
Socio Economic Factors The socio economic factors are to do with the economic resources that a family have, which can make a difference due to quality of life.
For example if a man named Jimmy has a family, but doesn’t earn enough money from his job. This would therefore mean, him and his families quality of life will be affected. Jimmy could be affected by the socio Economic factors by:
Income and expenditure: A person’s income comes from the wages they earn at work, profits from their business if they are self-employed. Money from invested wealth and money which is raised through the sale of property a person owns. If a person is employed at a decent job such as an accountant, their income will be a good amount. (Wealthy) However if for example Jimmy works at Tesco’s the supermarket, his income will be lower than the person working as an accountant.
Social class, income and employment: If a person is out of employment, they tend to receive very little income. This could affect their social class making them look very incapable, stressed, depressed and un-wealthy from other people’s point of view. This could also be the case of people are employed however do not get enough money. The impact of having low income …show more content…
• Less chance of travelling on public transport
• Poverty which leads to being a victim of crime
• Exposure to pollution
• Poor diet
• Life expectancy is shorter
Education: People with a few or no qualifications are likely to be unemployed or employed with very little payment. If a child was brought up with strict rules and that their parents have their qualifications with a decent job, the child will therefore do the same thing. On the other hand if a child who was brought up in poverty with a family that has low income which have no qualifications of their own, the child will be influenced to not work hard in school or university because they have no one to push them to succeed. They will do whatever their parents are doing as they think that’s the right thing to do. Children are easily influenced by what their parents do. Furthermore, if a family that has no access to the internet, their child will struggle in keeping up homework or assignments from school or university which could also affect their education.
Media/peer groups: Many children will go through peer group when they are socialising with friends. They are easily influenced by their friends. This is because whatever their friends do, they also have to do in order to fit in and have status/popularity. (So people can like them) Their attitudes and behaviour can change according to who they are socialising with. Friends can also add peer pressure by forcing someone to do something they do not like.
Values and attitudes: A person’s beliefs, values and attitude are based on who they are socialising with, whether it’s friends or family. It also links the person’s life experience. If they’ve ever been bullied or abused before, if they are growing up with a family that provides very little because of low income etc. all of these rely on a person’s attitude and how they behave to things. All of these things can make a person change and think differently because of past or present experiences.
Lifestyle factors
Lifestyle factors are to do with how a person can manage/maintain their lifestyle compared to low income and high income households.
For example a girl named Katy; she lives in a decent home where she earns high income from work. Her Diet is balanced and she is very healthy. She maintains a good lifestyle and does not get into alcohol, drugs or smoking. However if she did, she could be affected by the Lifestyle factors which include:
Nutrition and diet: People that have low income tend to buy a lot of unhealthy, fat foods because it’s way cheaper to buy than healthier options. It all depends on convenience and cost which is why people living in low income households are obese or even skinny which could be because of depression, anxiety and stress. High income households such as Katy however have a healthier nutritional balanced diet because they have money.
Drugs: The national statistics in 2006 reported that 14% of men and only 8% of women said that they took drugs that are illegal during the past year. From this I can predict, people living in low income are most likely to take illegal drugs because they are continuously stressed and need something to make them feel better which for them is drugs. This could affect their lifestyle even more which could result to being
Alcohol: The department of health considers that within a day men should not be drinking more than four units of alcohol. For women they should not drink more than three units. On the other hand, the social trends in 2009 stated that 65% of men and 49% of women were drinking more than expected which is very shocking. Too much of alcohol can cause many cancers and shortens life expectancy for people.
Smoking: Although alcohol is legal, it can be extremely dangerous on a person’s health. This is because it can cause many types of cancers and potentially even heart and lung diseases. Smoking can decrease a person’s life expectancy. It is associated with socio-economic class. It can destroy a person’s lifestyle causing even more problems for an individual. A pack of cigarettes which are very expensive can do a vast amount of damage to a person.