|information | | | |
|Verbal |Telephone, Face to face |Telephones are used to conduct live conversations with another |Telephones are used in Lambeth Academy for teachers to |
| |meetings |individual. |contact each other and to call parents when necessary. |
| | |Face to face meetings are where two individuals have a |Face to face can be used to give students feedback for |
| | |conversation where they can both see each other face to face. |their work. |
|Written |Letters, Reports |A Letter is a written form of communication which is read by an |Lambeth Academy use letters in order to inform parents |
| | |individual which is presented on paper. |of any information that is vital for them to see. |
| | |A report is a written form of communication that is which is |Reports are used by Lambeth Academy to inform parents |
| | |made with the intention of based on recent events. |about their child’s current progress in school. |
|On-screen |TV Commercials, Plasma screens |A TV Commercial is a way of portraying a message to potential |Lambeth Academy don’t use TV commercials as they aren’t|
| |for digital display |customers in order to