This is to show how trends and factors currently effect the travel and tourism sector.
This trend is only due to the poor exchange rates, in 2009 the pound (GBP) was very weak against the Euro; the exchange rate was at 1.1 Euros to £1 and this was significant compared to the rates before at 1.5/1.4 to £1, this hindered peoples spending on attractions, eating establishments, hire cars, transport and hotels, these low exchange rates were affecting behaviour of tourists as they found Europe very expensive, and because of all this there was no investment into services and maintaining the facilities.
This had been a popular trend with tourists that like the convenience of going to an airport nearby. The reason the trend is possible is because it is a policy that the government have to expand these regional airports laid out in their aviation white paper. All though, airport enlargement is also controversial due to the consideration of the environment, so change of government might see a change to the policy also the low cost airlines such as Ryan-air and Easy-jet often use the regional airports as it is cheaper, which means that the growth of low cost airlines has contributed to the growth of these sorts of airports.
As people are becoming more confident about traveling and are more used to traveling abroad and seeing different cultures, the are being able to book the component parts of their holidays by themselves rather than having to go to a travel agency, this is more likely to happen on the lower priced holidays, when people are spending a lot of money , for an example on a wedding or on a cruise, they are more likely to seek help and advice from the travel agency.
Ever since technology has become cheaper many people have easy ways to access the internet in their house and carry out research into the travel as well as destinations to make their own bookings an website, like Expedia, who have made their profit off of